Virtual ant identification training
9:00 AM
November 16, 2019
Online event
Join the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ant squad for an ant identification training online! Stay tuned for the exact time...
The Jasper Ridge ant survey is a long term research, documenting the Argentine ant invasion into the preserve since 1993. About 10 years ago it became a citizen science project, relying on volunteer help. Twice a year we document ant species in 250 points along the preserve in small groups. Before each session we have a short training session in Jasper Ridge. This spring, due to the sheltering-in-place orders, we are not able to do our ant survey training in the preserve, so we have adapted our program to an online one.
Tentative program:
45 minutes online presentation about the Jasper Ridge ant survey and Bay Area ant identification
30 minutes ant collection time - participants will go out and look for ants in their yard, or join us for a virtual ant walk
30 minutes ant identification session in small groups - we will help you identify the ants you found, discuss differences between species.
By The Numbers
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